Help Me To Love Others [And Why It Matters]

Love one another written in chalk on the driveway

One of the greatest challenges we face as a Christian is found in loving others. We often wonder how can we love the lost. It is easy to love those who are lovely; you know the ones you have something in common with. But how about those who are not like us? How can we … Read more

How To Love Like God Loves

Easter Sunrise on three crosses

What is love to you?  Many today struggle with this thing called love.  As a teen I thought that love just struck you, like the proverbial cupid firing arrows who indiscriminately causes people to fall in love. Does that describe your life?  Have you fallen in love only to fall out of love sometime later?  … Read more

Welcome To Walking Hope

Do you ever wonder about you faith? Do you question whether you are walking in faith? I think it is common for us all to have doubts on occasion, yet, when we focus on our doubts we stop walking in faith. This site is devoted to helping Christians to walk in faith all the way … Read more

Thanks Living is Faithful Living

Placard with the word Thankful on it

We all love Thanksgiving because of many things, but one reason it seems to be our favorite, is that people love the emphasis on giving thanks. We need this time to remind us of all our blessings. I personally love it because it is a time for none other than to slow down, spend time … Read more

What is Faithfull Living

Picture of tree leaf with the words faith can move mountains

I have often wondered, “am I living faithfully”? It seems like there is so much to learn about this thing called Faith. While it seems like such a simple idea there is so much more to faithful living than we realize. What is faith? How does faith affect our life? How do we get faith? … Read more