About Me

I call myself “a pastor with a past”. Being a pastor was not my choice, I always felt that there were so many others out there in this world that would make a good pastor. But nonetheless one-day God called me and I responded. Now every day I seek to just be faithful.


Have you ever felt like you have made so many mistakes in your life that you wouldn’t be a good choice for a leader or Sunday school teacher. Never let your mistakes define your life.

I have made a lot of mistakes over the years. But then again I have done a lot of things right. I am married, been that way for over 50 years. I have 2 children and 8 grandchildren, last count. I served in the Navy both active and reserve. And right now I am in what some may call my retirement years. Yet, I don’t consider myself retired, now I am able to give back to the community and serve in a way to help others.


One of the biggest struggles in life is to live faithful to your beliefs. We tend to live one way around other believers and another way around those pagans that live and work among us. Just kidding about the “pagan” thing but I know it is hard to live out your faith because I have worked at it for a while now.

People at work expect you to be a good employee, but they usually have their own ideas of what a good employee is. They say “remember the customer is always right”.  That is a good slogan but when you have to deal with a customer who is discourteous or demanding you tend to respond in a bad way.

Living faithfully means you have to strive to not react in the same way as those who you are dealing with. Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, well that’s hard when you are dealing with an unruly customer. So we have to learn to live by our faith.

My Goals

This site is built out of a desire to share and help others who want to learn and grow in their faith.  It is my way of giving back since so many people have helped me along the way.  It is my hope and my goal to share what I have learned about faithful living so I can help you to grow and  mature in your faith.

If you ever have any questions, feel free to send me an email – my address is Raymond@walkinghope.com and I will get back with you asap.

All the best,


Founder – walkinghope.com

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1 thought on “About Me”

  1. Hi Ray,
    It was nice reading your story and goals and I love your site. I’ll be back to read more of your articles.

    Extremely Grateful,


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