Holding On To Hope

man hanging on rope climbing a cliff

Holding on to hope, I use that phrase so often lately. Honestly, I feel like I am hanging on to hope as a rock climber hangs onto the side of a cliff with his fingers grasping to hold on for dear life. There are seasons in life when hope doesn’t seem possible but we choose … Read more

How To Help My Marriage (Couples Devotionals)

Product: The Love Languages Devotional Bible Vendor: Moody Publishers Price: At your local bookstore – Retail $33.99. Cheapest place to buy – Amazon Format available at Amazon: Hardcover & Kindle Version Key features include: New Living Translation, clear and elegant, ideal for reading aloud Scripture reading plan, making it easy to read through the entire … Read more

Overcoming Doubt With Faith [Through Hope]

Lifting your needs to God

Overcoming doubt with faith is our greatest need in life. We all have doubts, it seems to be a common malady in humanity. In doubt we fear. In doubt we question our next move. In doubt we don’t trust ourselves or others. Doubts bring uncertainty; they cause us to rethink and rethink, resulting in a … Read more

How To Reach The Lost


Many struggle with the idea of evangelism. I know that there are many ideas being spread around to help people evangelize the world around us. But how do we find out what works for us? For new believers and even experienced believers reaching out to a world in need seems to be left up to … Read more

Seeing They Do Not See [The Spiritually Blind]

Have you ever been in a rut, where you know that something needs to change but don’t know what to do or even which way to go? Have you ever been concerned over a friend or relative who is caught up in a rut or struggling to get their life together yet nothing seems to … Read more

Standing on the promises [Standing Firm]

standing watch

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says, Be on guard. STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love. Every time I read that verse I am reminded of the song “Standing on the Promises”. Paul’s advice to the Corinthians comes in the middle of All the Troubles that they’re having. While, Paul … Read more

Walking With Hope in the Kingdom of God

Many have expressed their concern over an acquaintance/friend or family member’s salvation. I have to confess that sometimes I get confused when meeting people who claim to be Christians but there is no evidence in their life. They walk like everyone else, talk like everyone else and they sure seem to have a mess of … Read more

How To Be Content With Your Life

A women feeling content with her life

Do you want to learn how to be content with your life? Is it even possible to be content in any situation in life? Today it seems impossible to live content unless you lock yourself away in a convent or monostery. I must confess that I struggle to live content with some situations. Is Contentment … Read more